Peter Heggie
Peter Heggie is a business owner with a strong focus on law and order as well as helping people and small business.
Peter is a devoted husband and father, who with his wife runs several businesses including computer supplies, a mobile hairdresser, a website design company, a firearms store and a shooting range.
He’s very concerned about crime, safety, and ensuring that police have the resources they need for effective law enforcement.
“Residents and businesses in Kaurna are experiencing an increase in crime – break-ins, vandalism, assaults – and we’re worried local police don’t have the resources to cope. The police we do have are overworked and it’s affecting their morale. The pandemic hasn’t helped matters, with many police resources diverted to vaccine and mask compliance. I’ll be working to increase the funding and resources available to SA police so they can assign these to work in our neighbourhood and make it safer.”
Peter brought his family to Australia from the United Kingdom in 2009. He drove trucks for a living before starting his family businesses in Adelaide’s southern suburbs. He’s also a state president of the Shooters’ Union in South Australia and representative for Western Australia – like One Nation he supports responsible firearm ownership for the purposes of work, farming and sports-related activity like target shooting.
“My family has loved the opportunities that have come with living, learning and working in Australia, however running a business has not been easy with so much red tape. It became a lot harder during the COVID-19 pandemic. The restrictions placed on businesses have seen many close down permanently. It’s alarming how quickly and easily the Marshall government imposed restrictions on freedoms many Australians took for granted. It’s disturbing to see how much they relish this power, and it’s frightening to see how reluctant they are to let it go.
“It’s time for the government to let go and learn to live with COVID-19. If they don’t give businesses their freedom back, our post-pandemic economic recovery will not happen. The government needs to get out of the way of small businesses in South Australia and let them do what they do best: create Australian jobs and grow our economy. I would also like to see more manufacturing in South Australia – we need to be more self-sufficient and less reliant on imports.
“I’m backing Pauline Hanson’s demand for a Royal Commission into the management of the COVID-19 pandemic by Australian governments – Commonwealth, state and territory. I’m also keen on improving education outcomes in South Australia with a back-to-basics approach, and improving home affordability for people in Kaurna.”
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