Phill Mueller

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Phill Mueller




Phill Mueller is a proud South Australian born and bred in the state who is passionate about bringing back Australian manufacturing and innovation.

In the days when South Australia was known for manufacturing whitegoods, Phill worked as a production controller in the industry. He laments the loss of this and many other manufacturing industries in Australia.

“We used to make so many things in South Australia – electronics, fridges, cars – but these industries are gone now along with all the skills and expertise. It’s such a shame. We should be an economic powerhouse able to make anything, but so many industries and the money they generated in our economy have moved overseas.

“We need to bring them back, with policy settings that make it competitive to locate manufacturing and innovation in Australia over the long term, like cheaper and more reliable energy and less regulation. At the same time we need to ensure we have skilled Australian workers to fill the Australian jobs this will create.”

Phill is a father and grandfather who loves horse racing, but his days of volunteering at the barbecue during meets at the Gawler Jockey Club were cut short by vaccine mandates.

“I don’t support these damned mandates. I’ve always despised discrimination and I’ve been shocked by how the Marshall and Morrison governments have actively encouraged it over COVID-19 vaccines. I’m backing Pauline Hanson’s call for a Royal Commission into the management of the pandemic by Australian governments – Commonwealth, state and territory. This pandemic of discrimination must be put to an end. I’ll always fight for the rights and freedoms of the Australian people.”

Like Pauline Hanson herself, Phill used to run a take-away business. He also worked for more than 20 years in one South Australia’s most iconic industries – wine. Standing in the seat of Schubert, which includes the famous Barossa Valley wine region, Phill’s very unhappy about China’s imposition of
heavy tariffs on Australia’s wine exports.

“We need fairer trade agreements which can’t be weaponised against us, as China has done. We’re facing another domestic wine glut because of this trade war just when the industry was beginning to recover its export potential. Episodes like this, and the lessons of the pandemic, have shown how important it is not to over-expose export industries to single markets and diversify our international markets so we’re more resilient against trade shocks. They’ve also shown how vulnerable our supply chains are, and how important it is for us to be as self-sufficient as possible.

“I’m running for One Nation in Schubert because Pauline Hanson has been an inspiration in her fight to put Australia and Australians first. We work to ensure foreign-owned multinationals pay their fair share of tax. We work to bring back Australian manufacturing. We stand for the protection of individual rights and freedoms as essential principles of Australian democracy. I will stand as a strong independent voice for the people of Schubert.”

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