Crime: Listening to the community
Recently One Nation has held several crime forums around Queensland, where we have listened to locals about their concerns and discussed solutions to the problem.
Crime has many causes, but the government has failed to deliver solutions. The space for solutions rests with proactive parties like Pauline Hanson’s One Nation.
Crime affects us all – and falls over state and federal boundaries. When a perpetrator commits a crime, they could be saving a national or a state offence (for example, many drug-related offences are federal offences, as are offences dealing with Children – especially across international borders). Offenders who come before the courts could have federal and state charges.
Increased crime in any area increases your insurance premiums and devalues your quality of life. These are all impacts that transcend government boundaries or remit.
Attached is the Press Release issued last weekend by Senator Roberts.
Senator Malcolm Roberts will join a community forum in Hervey Bay to hear from grieving victims of crime while travelling through his constituency of Queensland.
The forum follows tragic road deaths in a crash involving an allegedly stolen vehicle. Senator Roberts said:
“Listening to communities across Queensland the heartbreaking human and emotional cost of the youth crime crisis is front of mind.”
“Communities are feeling like no one is listening to them. Some politicians refuse to even acknowledge there’s a problem.”
“It’s clear from the communities that are speaking to us the community has a huge role to play in responding to this crisis and they want to, hand-in-hand with the police and courts.”
“One Nation’s policy to reboot the neglected Neighbourhood Watch Program as a part of it’s crime response is a perfect solution to the disconnect between community and police that is leading to poor outcomes.”
“Neighbourhood Watch programs have been starved of funding under successive Liberal, National and Labor governments. It’s time to re-establish the community’s role in helping address the crime crisis.”
“All levels of government have a role to play in responding to this crime crisis and so does the community. The time for action is now before more lives are lost in preventable tragedies.”
The community forum will be held at the Pialba Memorial Hall, Main Street from 11am Saturday.
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