Flint Adarne

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Flint Adarne for Riverton Pauline Hanson's One Nation WA

Flint Adarne is your One Nation WA candidate for Riverton.

Flint and his family are proud Australians who came to this country and have embraced the Australian dream, to live in peace and be part of our nation and community.

He, like many other Australians, is alarmed by the assault on our common values, and believes we should return to responsible governance prioritising meritocracy, common sense and competence, and put and end to the focus on diversity and inclusion which actually results in further division and discrimination. 

Flint is standing up as a candidate for One Nation because he believes in democracy and because he is optimistic that we can make things right again and achieve a unified future.

Flint will be a strong voice for the people of Riverton, and will ensure the needs of the local community are met by government.