Healing and Unity After Labor's Divisive Referendum: A Path Forward for Australia
After Labor’s divisive and racist referendum, there will have to be a period of healing. Australians are resilient, but this Labor-led attack on our identity, who we are, and what we stand for has created such a rift that the nation will need to find a path to unity.
A unified nation will have to be achieved without Albanese’s racist Labor Party, in fact, it will have to be achieved despite them. Unity is a tall order when a major party has a single-minded strategy of dividing the country for political gain.
How will we heal? Firstly, acknowledging we are a nation of many people, but a united group, not defined by our differences, forged from many backgrounds, working toward harmony.
Our national conversation needs to shift away from special privileges for certain races, and instead onto our tradition of mateship. We will need a national conversation about what we can do for each other, community by community, to define our powerful and brilliant culture after so much of what we are was destroyed by the woke and virtual signaling left.
We will need to accept the reality, as defined by prominent Yes campaigners, that some in our community will no longer wish to continue ‘welcome’ to country ceremonies. Instead, when we welcome people, we will need to welcome them to Australia, not racist ‘sub’ countries.
All Australians should feel welcome in their home country. This must be an important step in our healing process.
There will be many challenges to our unity post-October 14 (the referendum date). The Liberal party have said they want to legislate a Voice, their own version of division, and instigate another second race-based referendum. We will have to heal as a nation even though the two major parties are gunning for us all.
Labor is not equipped to heal; they have spent the last several decades defining what separates us and pandering to groups that seek to tear our nation apart.
The vision, standards and activities of One Nation since its formation demonstrate our party’s clear commitment to making sure our country is united, under one flag, one rich culture, with every citizen on equal footing.
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