Mark Latham to run for election again
The 8-year term in the NSW Legislative Council is too long.
Democracy must be about accountability, and after 4 years a party leader like myself should face the people to test whether our policies have been right and effective. I want a renewed NSW One Nation electoral mandate for our fight against the woke major party madness.
For back to basics in the education system.
For the rights of parents as the primary educators of their children.
For keeping the lights on and stopping huge electricity price increases because of Net Zero and 100% Renewables.
For housing affordability by ending the $100,000 impost on new home construction that comes from Matt Kean’s environmental requirements.
For religious anti-discrimination laws to stop the persecution of Christians and other people of faith.
For stronger law and order, stopping the phoney mental health excuses criminals are using to stay out of jail.
For the rights of farmers to manage their own land and store their own water, free from green government interference.
For free speech, pushing back against political correctness and cancel culture.
For a stronger, more resilient Australia, instead of our young people being sucked into a snowflake society, and even worse, taught at school to think national pride is a bad thing.
There’s much work to be done against the new woke Liberals and Nats and their cross-party allies in Labor and the Greens. Only NSW One Nation has consistently fought for mainstream, commonsense values and policies in our State Parliament over the past four years. So I want to be on the upper house ballot paper at the March election to continue the fight.
That’s why I’ll resign my spot in early March and recontest the election for One Nation and the Pauline Hanson team. The party will then appoint a new MP to finish off the last four years of my current term. We aim to have four One Nation MPs in the upper house after the next election and a good share of the balance of power.
We’re fighting for you and ask for your support in March.
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