Nicholas Gemmell
Nicholas Gemmell is your One Nation WA candidate for Mandurah.
Nicholas is born and raised in Australia and was raised with strong family and community values, and proudly calls Mandurah his home.
Having seen the explosive growth of the Mandurah area over decades, he has become alarmed by the fact that successive governments have failed to plan for the future, as evidenced by the overloaded Peel Health Campus, over-filled classrooms in our schools, the chronic housing shortage and rental crisis, as well as insufficient police resources leading to increased crime.
Nicholas has been a long time One Nation member and is committed to putting Australians first and to restoring our quality of life, which has been utterly degraded by the irresponsible major parties.
Nicholas will be a strong local representative of the Mandurah community who will ensure local needs are met according to expectations.
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