Pauline Hanson's Sharp Message to the Labor Party on their Corrupt Aboriginal Industry
Watch Pauline Hanson deliver a sharp message to the Labor party about their crooked Aboriginal industry
Labor loves to tout the fact that one of their own delivered the apology for the Stolen Generations, but what they won't admit is the truth about their plans for the voice to Parliament.
Watch the full speech here
Anthony Albanese and his party are committed to implementing the Uluru Statement in full, including the voice to Parliament and "truth-telling". But what they won't admit is that the aboriginal industry responsible for the failure to close the gaps is corrupt and dysfunctional.
These aboriginal corporations and land councils are only interested in lining their own pockets and using their power to "punch down" on truly disadvantaged aborigines and the few good people trying to help them. And yet, Labor wants to give these same failures and frauds well-paid, constitutionally protected jobs with a racist voice to Parliament.
Megan Davis, appointed by the Prime Minister to advise him on the voice, has made it clear that the voice will have tremendous power, despite the Prime Minister's claims to the contrary. The unelected High Court will determine the voice's powers, and Parliament will be repeatedly held hostage in a series of constitutional crises.
The truth is that the voice is a racist black nationalist vehicle for chaos, lies, and an Australia constantly in conflict. It won't close the gaps, and the aboriginal industry has a vested interest in keeping those gaps as wide as the Grand Canyon to maintain its power.
Instead, we must prioritize helping those Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in real disadvantage in neglected remote communities. The only way to close the gaps is to close those communities down and help the poor people who live in them to go where they can take advantage of the economic and education opportunities the rest of us have.
Let's have an audit on all the money stolen by the aboriginal industry, where it's all gone, and why it's failed to close the gaps. We need to reject the racist voice that will take us back more than 50 years and move forward together as a nation by helping those who truly need it.
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