The WA Labor Housing Disaster

One Nation WA has been passionately advocating for Western Australians who have been impacted by WA Labor's Housing Disaster, we are not afraid to point out the obvious: not only do we need to increase supply, we need to reduce demand immediately!

We have families living in tents and cars, during winter in some cases with new-born infants. This has been going on for years, and it is not getting better it is getting worse.

The WA Government does not seem to care about the lives of these Western Australians, as questioning from One Nation WA in Parliament exposed the Housing Minister does not even know who many families with kids are living in cars, and is not interested in finding out.

One Nation WA also questioned why the Bullsbrook Quarantine facility could not be used to house WA families, and the Premier denied he was able to ask the Federal Government to make it available. Further questioning exposed the fact that they could, and have, asked for the facility to be made available, however the WA Labor Government refuses to do so for families living in tents and cars during winter.

We need to look after the people we already have here.





Watch One Nation WA MP Ben Dawkins talk about housing in the WA Parliament: