WA Government is going to take your firearms away
The WA Government is pushing ahead with its plans to take firearms away from law abiding metro area residents, and to destroy legitimate and essential firearms businesses across the state.
The arrogant Police Minister Papalia, who thinks he should be telling people what they can do as a hobby, has extended a grossly unfair buyback offer by a couple of months, but has simultaneously again made it clear what his objective is; he wants to take your firearm away from you.
The fact that law abiding people in WA are being treated like criminals is completely unacceptable, especially since they acquired their firearms in good faith, and according to the law. Minister Papalia and WA Police point out that the property letter system was "corrupted" and that many licenses should not have been issued, however it must be noted that WA Police were the people in charge of the "corrupted" system, and approved every license over the span of decades.
WA Police openly admit the computer systems they use are completely inadequate, and are not able to provide simple data from them. The fact that the systems they use are not fit for purpose begs the question of why the systems were not upgraded and fixed.
The fact remains that the new firearm laws are just an unjustified ideological attack on firearm owners by both Labor and the Liberals. The major parties are the actual problem, since they have not ensured Police have adequate systems to perform their duties.
But instead of admitting their own shortcomings, they demonise law abiding people and treat them with contempt. They have now rammed laws through the parliament that enable Police to treat any firearm owner as they please, with usual civil rights removed from them. There are reports that police are using decades-old traffic convictions as an excuse to take firearms away from valued community members.
One Nation WA is committed to ensuring all law abiding WA firearm owners are treated with the respect they deserve, including those in the Perth metropolitan area. We are the one party in WA that has the guts to really stand up for what is right.
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