WA Labor's incompetence continues to hurt Western Australia

One Nation WA has called out the WA Labor Government as being hopelessly incompetent when it comes to long term planning and getting value for money from our taxes.

While everyday Western Australians struggle with the cost of living and the ongoing impact of inflation, the WA Labor Government is building a huge train line network all at once, not because we need to, but because Labor wants to have it ready before the next election. The Deputy Premier/Treasurer/Transport Minister is sparing no expense to get things done before March 2025, so the Government can point to it to win some votes. We could have built Metronet in stages, and reduced pressure on the building industry so Western Australians could build homes for their families in a reasonable time frame, but the ego of Rita Saffioti came first.

Another example of terrible long term planning is the construction of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road, which was rushed through and insufficiently funded, and has now been built in a way that cannot accommodate high speed rail easily in the future, and includes a number of roundabouts at major highway intersections because they ran out of money.

The most recent example of WA Labor’s incompetence is the announcement of 50 self-contained social housing units to be built in Mandurah, at the cost of $862,000 per unit. It is unclear how the state government managed to get such a terrible contract for building apartments, considering a one bedroom apartment in a luxury complex in South Perth costs significantly less to buy on the open market.

Our living standards have dropped, and families are feeling the pain, because WA Labor has mismanaged the economy for almost eight years. And things are about to be made worse again, as we approach the state and federal elections. We suspect Labor will go on a spending spree, which will result in yet more bad contracts being signed, more unrealistic and overpriced projects being committed to, and more of your hard-earned taxes being squandered on short term self-serving decisions from Labor.

One Nation is the only party you can trust to call out the mismanagement and incompetence of the uniparty in the WA Parliament.