Welcome to country has gone too far

One Nation WA is concerned the welcome to country ritual risks dividing us as a nation, and that it has become corrupted by its over-use.

It seems that every day, we are forced to sit through what feels like a struggle session, where the underlying message is that most Australians are just visitors to this country.

There is no denying the historical treatment of indigenous people in Australia was repulsive at times, however human history is full of examples of inhumane treatment of certain groups. But the point of history is to learn from it, not to keep repeating the same mistakes.

Horrible things happen when humans become tribal and divided, the best examples of humanity happen when we unite, not when we focus on our differences.

Modern Australia is a nation that contains people with very diverse backgrounds, cultures, histories and beliefs, however we are a peaceful place when we focus on being one nation.

Historically there have been many tribal fights in Australia, including wars between indigenous tribes, fights between Protestants and Catholics, Anglo-Saxons vs Italians and Greeks and the list goes on. But modern Australia should be about us uniting as one and not allow labels, race or belief to divide us, and we had made huge progress on that in the past half century.

But modern progressive left woke politics constantly seeks to find divisions and perceived injustices to fight, and when there are none they create them by taking historical wrongs and bringing them into the present day.

Present day Australia should be about a common identity, that is a nation of people who believe in democracy, freedom of speech, property rights, peace and prosperity. We should be blind to race, and solely judge people on their actions and the content of their character. One Nation is often called racist by the woke left, but based on that logic, so was Dr Martin Luther King.

The danger of elevating one group of Australians above all others is that it will create its own injustices and problems for the future. For instance the failed WA Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act would have created huge divisions in this state had it succeeded. The legislation would have resulted in local communities tearing themselves apart, as the majority of people would have had their private property rights degraded, needing to seek and pay for arbitrary approval to live their lives.

The past cannot be un-done, but the future can be horrible if we allow ourselves to be divided. That is why we need to stand as One Nation.