Woke ideology is hurting our children

Everyone should be concerned by the mental health crisis which is damaging our children, and we need to have an honest discussion about what is causing it.

Mental health issues in children used to be rare, as childhood was all about innocence, hope and excitement. But these days there are increasing amounts of children reporting depression and other mental health disorders, as well as reports of child suicides which are incredibly sad.

So what is causing this situation which is resulting in so much suffering in children and families?

One Nation WA believes the root cause of the child mental health crisis is woke left ideology, which is hostile to children and families. 

Woke ideology teaches kids they have no future and that they are the cause of the planet dying. Climate change propaganda is fed to our kids on a daily basis, telling them their future is doomed and that they as humans are at fault for it. We used to teach our kids that they are the future, now we are telling them they probably wont have one from a very early age. 

Woke ideology also teaches our kids that they should see the world through a racial lens, which results in kids being divided. Welcome to country ceremonies are conducted at each assembly, where the core underlying message heard by kids is that they are just visitors in their own country. We used to tell our kids that race did not matter and that everyone should be treated the same as Australians, now we are telling them to feel guilty about their race, or that they are a victim because of their race.

Woke ideology teaches our kids that they can actually change their biological sex, and that the difficulties of puberty are caused by gender dysphoria, and that they can be avoided by taking puberty blockers. We used to tell our children that they are perfect in their bodies as they are, and that boys and girls can achieve their goals in life if they work hard for them.

Woke ideology teaches young boys that they are toxic, and inherently bad. 

Woke ideology teaches young girls that they have to compete against biological males in sport and allow them into their toilets and changerooms.

There is no wonder there is a child mental health crisis in this country considering the full spectrum attack from the woke left.

It is time to do what is right for our children, and there is only one party you can trust to end the woke left's abuse of our children.